#2 Was trage ich als Gast auf einer Hochzeit?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Graut es Euch jetzt schon vor der nächsten Hochzeit? Ihr habt gar keine Ahnung was Ihr anziehen sollt und Ihr quält Euch mit Fragen wie: Was zieh ich an? welche Schuhe passen dazu? Und welche Accessoires dürfen nicht fehlen? In diesem Leitfaden zeigen wir Euch was aktuell Trend ist und wie Ihr Euer Outfit […]

Blog Post With Image

I truly believe Augustine’s words are true and if you look at history you know it is true. There are many people in the world with amazing talents who realize only a small percentage of their potential. We all know people who live this truth. we also know those epic stories, those modern-day legends surrounding […]

Blog Post With Image Slider

Success isn’t really that difficult. there is a significant portion of the population here in North America, that actually want and need success to be hard! Why? so they then have a built-in excuse when things don’t go their way! pretty sad situation, to say the least. for those of you who are serious about […]

Blog Post With Custom Quote

Making a decision to do something – this is the first step. we all know that nothing moves until someone makes a decision. the first action is always in making the decision to proceed. this is a fundamental step, which most people overlook. without clarity, you send a very garbled message out to the Universe. […]

Blog Post with Audio

Focus is having the unwavering attention to complete what you set out to do. There are a million distractions in every facet of our lives. Telephones and e-mail, clients and managers, spouses and kids, TV, newspapers and radio – the distractions are everywhere and endless. Everyone wants a piece of us and the result can […]

Blog Post with HTML5 Video

The price is something not necessarily defined as financial. It could be time, effort, sacrifice, money or perhaps, something else. The point is that we must be fully aware of the price and be willing to pay it, if we want to have success. This is perhaps the single biggest obstacle that all of us […]